Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Muscle tissue consists of skeletal

Muscle tissue
Muscle tissue consists of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Muscle tissue functions as an activator. Skeletal muscle tissue composed of muscle cells when observed with a microscope having a line of dark and light intermittent. Because of skeletal muscle cells also known as striated muscle cells or muscle cells transverse stripes.
Skeletal muscle cells have many nuclei. Striated muscle cells to work under the influence of our will. Smooth muscle cells contained pad organs, such as in the intestines and blood vessels. Contractile smooth muscle fibers do not have a line of dark and light. Spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells and nucleated one. Work will smooth muscle is not affected us. Composed of cardiac muscle cells that has a line of dark and light as striated muscle, but it worked out to our will.

e. Neural Networks
Nervous tissue is composed of nerve cells (neurons) and nerve fibers. Neural network serves as a conductor of stimuli, which brings excitatory stimulation of the receiver (receptors) to the brain and then forwarded to the muscles. Neural network only owned animals and humans.
cells form a network (a collection of cells that form and function the same), several kinds of tissue forming an organ system of plants, and multiple organ systems form the plant. Thus the network is defined as a collection of individual protoplasts having a wall or a collection of cell shape and function the same. Network Plants and Animals

Connective tissue can be classified

Connective tissue can be classified into ordinary connective tissue, a specialized connective tissue, connective tissue backers, and connective tissue.

1. Ordinary connective tissue
Ordinary connective tissue differentiated into dense connective tissue and loose connective tissue. Dense connective tissue such as muscle tissue on the tendon. Muscle tendon is the end of the file muscles attached to bones. Loose connective tissue is a tissue filler space between the organs.

2. Specialized connective tissue
Specialized connective tissue has a specific function, such as storing energy in the form of fat, resist shock and blood forming. Examples of specialized connective tissue is fat tissue under the skin.

3. Connective tissue backer
Advocates connective tissue composed of cartilage and bone tissue true. True bone tissue also serves to produce red blood cells (erythrocytes).

4. Connective tissue connecting
Connective tissue consists of connective blood and lymph. Network consists of blood and blood plasma blood granules. Blood granules composed of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and keeping the blood (platelets). Functioning of the blood to carry oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, residual substances and hormones. Network nodes consists of lymph fluid circulating in the lymph vessels. Lymph fluid serves to transport fats

Epithelial tissue is the tissue

Epithelial tissue is the tissue that covers the other networks. This network includes a simple epithelium and epithelium plated. Simple epithelial tissue consists of only one layer of cells. An example is the pipe inner epithelial tissue. Layered epithelial tissue composed of several layers of cells. For example, intestinal and respiratory epithelium.
There is a ciliated epithelial tissue, such as the respiratory tract. Cilia are useful for receiving external stimuli, for example if there is dust we will sneeze. Epithelium which is outside the body usually called the epidermis (epi = edge, and derm = skin) such as the skin. Instead, the epithelium covering the inside of organs is called endodermis.
c. Tie Network
Connective tissue is the tissue that connects one network to another network. Connective tissue function are as follows:

Attaching a network to another.
Wrapping organ.
Filling cavities in between the organs.
Transports oxygen and food substances other kejaringan.
Transporting the remains of metabolic expenditure kea lat.
Produce immunity.

Vascular cambium tissue produces

Network Plants
By nature, we plant tissues differentiate into two kinds, namely merestematik tissue and permanent tissue. Network merestematik (embryonic tissue) consists of a collection of young cells that continue to divide producing another network. Tissue samples were meristematic shoot meristem tissue in stems and roots and cambium tissue. Meristem at the tip of the stem and roots of plants grow taller ngakibatkan.
Vascular cambium tissue produces timber and filter vessels that cause plants to grow. Results cleavage meristematic tissue called a permanent, because no longer undergoing differentiation. Based on the structure and function, permanent tissue can be divided into the following:

Networks cover or protector, the epidermis and cork tissue.
Tissue fillers, ie parenchyma.
Network reinforcement, ie kolenkima and sklerenkima.
Network carriers, the xylem and phloem.

2. Animals Network
At high tungkat animal body (Vertebrate) there are various kinds of networks can be grouped into a network merismatik, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue.
a. Meristematic tissue
Meristematic tissue is tissue cells always divide. The network is present in the embryo stage. In humans and vertebrate animals, meristematic tissues are found only in certain parts. For example, at the tip of the tube is still young and in the bone marrow that make blood cells.
b. Epithelial tissue or skin Networks

Plants and Animals Network

Plants and Animals Network - A network is a group of cells that have the same form and function. Thus, the network is almost owned by multicellular beings (multisluler). Every living thing comes from the proliferation of the mating (generative) or are not married (vegetative) propagation by mating occurs on mixing between the ovum and sperm cell to form a zygote.
Network Plants and Animals - The zygote divides constantly so formed embryo, and the embryo develops into a new individual. Tues zygote divides many times, at first forming a uniform cells (blastula). These cells do not yet have a specific function. At the time of development of the embryo, these cells develop into different types of cells that form in accordance with its function. Cells undergo differentiation and specialization. So from a uniform cells turn into different types of cells that form in accordance with its function.
Network constituent bodies of plants and animals.

The plant cell is the smallest part

The plant cell is the smallest part of any plant organ. Plant cells is an activator of the plant itself. Plant cells are quite different to the other cells of eukaryotic organisms.
Animal cells is the common name for eukaryotic cells that make up the tissues of animals. Animal cells differ from other eukaryotic cells, such as plant cells, because they do not have a cell wall and chloroplasts, and they usually have smaller vacuoles, did not even exist. Because it does not have tough cell wall, animal cells vary in appearance. Human cells are one type of animal cell.
Based on the above observations and short penjelasn several conclusions that can be inferred:

Maniho utilissima cell shape is square, and in the cell is shaped like a thread Gossypium sp.
Cellular spaces in Manihot utilissima greater than Gassypium sp
Distance between living cells in Manihot utilissima denser than Gossypium sp
Pramaecium and Euglena sp are organisms in the water and move freely Pramaecium included in a diversified animal ciliate class
Euglena class includes organisms Flagellata
Smooth muscle has elongated shape and a nucleus


The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of living things. From Grasshopper to butterfly, from papaya to pine trees all made up of cells. There are living things are composed of a single cell, called a unicellular organism, and no living thing is composed of more than one cell, called a multicellular organism.
Tues despite having very small size, the cell is considered exceptional. Why? Tues like a factory that always works so life continues. There are parts of the cell that produce energy to function, there are responsible for the multiplication of cells, and there are parts that selects traffic in and out of the cell substance. By studying the cell components, we will be able to understand the function of the cell for life.
From the observation, the author may know where the shape of plant cell and animal cell linesPlant cells and animal cells possessed some of the differences include:

Anatomically cell is divided into

Anatomically cell is divided into 3 parts, namely:

Plasma membrane (cell membrane, plasma membrane or also called plasmalema)
Cytoplasm and cell organelles
Cell nuclei (nuclei)

1. The cell membrane
Cell membranes limit any activity that occurs in cells that are not easily distracted by outside influences. Because of this function, the cell membrane is selektifpermaebel can specify certain materials are able to enter and exit the cell. In plant cells, the cell membrane normally attached to the cell wall due to turgor pressure of the cell.
2. Cytoplasm
The main function of life takes place in the cytoplasm. Almost all metabolic activities take place in a room containing a viscous fluid is. In the cytoplasm there are organelles floating in a viscous fluid (a colloid, but not homogeneous) is called the matrix. Organellah that perform many functions of life, baha synthesis, respiration (recast), storage and reaction to stimuli. Most of these processes occur within the enzymatic sitoplama set. In addition to organelles, there are vacuoles, starch grains, silicate grains and various other secondary products.
3. The nucleus (the cell nucleus)
Nucleus charge of controlling the activities that occur in the cytoplasm. Inside the nucleus are chromosomes that contain DNA that is the blueprint for the establishment of a variety of proteins (particularly enzymes). The enzyme is required in performing various functions in the cytoplasm. Disalam nucleolus nucleolus also present.
4. Organelles
Humans have many differe

First cell was discovered by

First cell was discovered by Robert Hooke (who lived from 1635 to 1703). Hooke (in 1665) to observe cork cells using a simple microscope. Apparently it looks like a cork cell chambers kecil.Maka, chosen from the Latin word meaning cellula the restroom to name the object he found it. Along with the development of technology, now known cell has a complex living system. Indeed God in creating something extraordinary. Something small has turned out to be a very complicated system. All worked as duty. No wasted what God created. We are obliged to 'read' (learn). (Schaum, 41:2000)
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The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of living things. From Grasshopper to butterfly, from papaya to pine trees all made up of cells. There are living things are composed of a single cell, called a unicellular organism, and no living thing is composed of more than one cell, called a multicellular organism.
Tues despite having very small size, the cell is considered exceptional. Why? Tues like a factory that always works so life continues. There are parts of the cell that produce energy to function, there are responsible for the multiplication of cells, and there are parts that selects traffic in and out of the cell substance. By studying the cell components, we will be able to understand the function of the cell for life.